Advances In Bonding Technology
For many decades, silver fillings have been the reliable option for repairing cracked or chipped teeth. However, they have a major weakness in that silver fillings will crack easily. Among the many areas that dental technology has seen advancements is in the area of bonding technology. New materials and fillings have been developed that are far superior to silver fillings. Also, advancements in bonding technology have allowed dentists to create a superior bond between fillings and natural teeth. This has made it much simpler for dentists to repair old fillings that have cracked.
Weakness In Silver Fillings
Research has always demonstrated specific weaknesses in silver fillings:
- Silver fillings are almost certain to eventually crack. This is caused by the consistent expanding and contracting of the silver due to temperature changes.
- Silver fillings have a tendency to wear down around the edges. This weakens them and contributes to their likelihood of cracking.
- When the filling eventually breaks, this exposes the tooth and makes it susceptible to additional infection and cavities.
- Mercury makes up as much as 50% of silver fillings. If a silver filling does corrode and leak, the possibility is strong that the teeth and gums in the immediate area will be stained by the mercury.
Advantages In Composite Fillings
- The composite fillings that have been developed through advancements in technology are much stronger. Composite fillings also allow dentists to match the shade of your existing natural teeth with precision. This produces a superior aesthetic appeal.
- This provides a superior option for fillings for current needs. This also provides an excellent solution for repairing defective silver fillings that have been placed in earlier times. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Littlefield and see if he can avoid future problems with silver fillings by replacing them now with the advanced composite fillings.